Liberty Utilities delivers a wide range of commodities across the country, including natural gas. Although we do not deliver natural gas to your community, knowing safety information about natural gas is an important part of keeping your business and community safe.

Smell Rotten Eggs? You Could be Smelling Natural Gas 

Most people are familiar with the distinctive "pungent odor" aroma added to natural gas. It's often compared to sulfur or rotten eggs. If you smell gas in your building, or suspect a gas leak, call the gas company right away.

    • If the building has a kitchen, check to be sure any cooking ranges and oven controls are turned off. 
    • Don't operate electrical appliances or switches. This can cause sparks.
    • Don't smoke or light matches.
    • Leave immediately. Instruct others to leave.
    • Open windows and doors on your way out. Don't re-enter the building to open windows.
    • Call the gas company's emergency number or dial 911 from a mobile phone or neighbor's phone. Dial 711 if you are hearing impaired.

    If you suspect a leak inside:

    • Evacuate the premises and leave the door open when you exit.
    • Do not use electrical switches, telephones, appliances, garage door openers, etc.
    • Do not use lighters or matches and do not smoke.
    • When you arrive at a safe location, call 911 immediately.

    If you suspect a leak outdoors:

    • Leave the location immediately.
    • When you arrive at a safe location, call 911.
    • Keep clear of the area.
    • Do not start any motors or motor vehicles near the area of the gas odor.
    • Do not use lighters or matches and do not smoke.

Suspect Carbon Monoxide Build-Up

  • El monóxido de carbono, o CO, es un subproducto normal de la combustión de carburantes, pero sus altos niveles en interiores pueden ser peligrosos para la salud. Los combustibles típicamente utilizados en la calefacción (petróleo, carbón, madera, gasolina, queroseno, gasóleo o gas natural) pueden generar monóxido de carbono.
    El monóxido de carbono puede acumularse hasta alcanzar niveles peligrosos si un aparato que usa combustible no funciona correctamente o no ventila de manera segura los subproductos de la combustión del combustible.

  • El monóxido de carbono no tiene olor, color ni sabor. Debido a que se combina con la sangre del cuerpo y evita que esta absorba oxígeno, el monóxido de carbono puede causar enfermedades graves y, en casos extremos, incluso puede ser fatal.

  • Indicadores ambientales:

    • Aire extremadamente sofocante y viciado
    • Goteo de condensación de agua en el interior de las ventanas


    • Dolor de cabeza
    • Náuseas
    • Mareos
    • Tos
    • Zumbido en los oídos
    • Manchas delante de los ojos
    • Enrojecimiento de la piel


    Si nota alguno de estos signos de advertencia, salga al exterior para tomar aire fresco y acuda al médico de inmediato.

    Install a carbon monoxide (CO) alarms in your building. We recommend that the alarm be marked with "UL 2034" indicating that it meets the standards set by Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. (UL).


  • Have any chimneys, heating system and water heater flue vent piping inspected regularly and cleaned by a professional when necessary.