Liberty employees helped organize and distribute toys to local families in need at Toys for Tots' holiday toy drive in North and South Lake Tahoe. Parents were able to come and pick toys to give to their children. Gracias a nuestros empleados por ayudarnos a transmitir la alegría navideña.
Eventos - Residencial - Electricidad de California - Liberty
Eventos comunitarios
Eventos comunitarios
Liberty se enorgullece de apoyar a Bread and Broth, una organización sin fines de lucro en South Lake Tahoe que trabaja para aliviar el hambre en las comunidades locales. Hace poco, Liberty patrocinó una comida, y nuestros empleados ayudaron a preparar y servir la cena a miembros de la comunidad de South Lake Tahoe.
Liberty employees spoke with South Tahoe High School seniors about their post-graduation plans and shared information about Liberty's scholarship at the annual STHS scholarship fair. Each year, Liberty awards a scholarship to high school graduates in our territory looking to pursue a career in the trades or a degree in one of the many fields that aligns with the work we do, such as engineering, business, communications and forestry.